Day 40 – 6th December

Thomas was extubated this morning at 11am. He had been nil by mouth since 6am and was quite irritated before extubation.

Unfortunately this didn’t stop, and he would not settle. Throughout the day, I stayed with him to try and calm him all day but there was nothing I could do to calm him.

At 5pm it was decided that he was struggling too much and he was too unsettled and needed to be retubed. I asked them to give him one more hour, as I really believed (and still do) that if he would calm down, he would do better.

I came back after handover at 7pm to find him on sipap (a face mask providing some pressure).

He lasted until 5am before being reintubated. This was because he got a sudden spike in his temperature and the drs were worried that he had become septic again. If this was the case, and he was extubated, he could come into serious problems.

I did, however, get my first ever hold of him!

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