Day 164 – 19th March

A very difficult day today – Thomas went back onto conventional ventialtion from the high frequency oscialltory ventilator on Friday. He was doing really well and we were happy with how he was doing. However his abdomen started swelling and getting bigger and bigger.

Thomas has always had a large liver due to his condition and because he’s been recieving intensive care for so long, however this was more than just a large liver. It was expanding in front of us.

He had a surgical review in the morning, when it wasn’t as large where they said we will watch and wait. But by the evening the surgeons had to be called back in and within 20 minutes of them arriving I was signing the consent fo to take him to theatre for explorative surgery.

He was gone 90 minutes where they didn’t find anything wrong other than he had a large build up of ascities (free fluid) which they drained and inserted a drain into his abdomen Incase this should build up again it could all come out.

He came back very much deflated in the abdomen and was on conventional ventilation (but very high settings).

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